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The BIG List of Toll-Free Phone Number Providers

toll free phone providorsDon’t waste time and money experimenting through “risk-free” trial and error when trying to find the best toll-free phone provider for you or your business.

Thousands of dollars and countless hours can be saved by avoiding Google search results and ‘Paid Advertisements’ that are confusing, overwhelming, and objectionable.

All the toll-free research is already done.

It’s been compiled into an easy-to-read report for you and your colleagues to review.  All the information you need is here.  And even better it’s FREE – cost-free, ad-free, toll-free!

View individual Providers Below or sort by these Available Features:


tollfreenumber-org evoicecustomtollfreecomcast

callture-telcancharter centurylinkbellsouth

freedomvoiceattverizon timewarner

sprint ringcentralqwestpowernetglobal

phone-com opexonebox kall8



view the entire list

Why did we make this list of toll free phone providers?

At TollfreeNumber.ORG, we don’t want you to waste time & money on trial and error products that don’t work. Your life is busy enough without having to waste time searching for toll free services. Let us do the work so that you can focus on what really matters, your Business and your Family.

What process did we take to make this list of providers?

  1. First, we focused on one specific niche (toll free phone providers) and cataloged all of the major companies that people are buying phone numbers from. Then, we published that list.
  2. Secondly, we went to work researching those companies to find out everything one would want to know when buying a phone number (i.e. cost, plans, customer service). Then, we complied that data and published it.
  3. Finally, we rated each company based on a number of customer-oriented criteria and made that info easily searchable. The result was what you see here: TollfreeNumber.ORG’s BIG list – the most complete toll free provider review database in the world.

About the Toll-free Provider List

TollfreeNumber.ORG is a free service. It’s never been our intention to monetize the Provider List – it’s a labor of love. Here at TollfreeNumber.ORG, our goal is to put an end to people wasting time and money searching for hours on end (or paying others to do it for you) for a service provider that meets your needs. That is why we give the Provider List away absolutely free.

Legal Information about the provider list

We have truly spent a lot of time making sure our Provider List is accurate.  We consider it a living List as we do keep it up-to-date as much as possible.  Our intention is to give the reader quick access to the information they are looking for so you can research easily for yourself.  There may be errors – If you see an error on our site, please let us know.

If you represent a toll-free company, you are probably listed here and may be wondering how to update your listing.  We will update inaccuracy’s and accept requests to include your official company logo in your profile.  All graphical depictions of provider company names are original graphics (void of imagery) using a standard Arial font and 4 color palate.  The images that display the company names above are not the company’s logos.

How to contact TollfreeNumber.ORG

Please click on our Contact page at the top of the screen

Please help us

Please spread the word about this website through social media.  Over 2000 hours of actual work in research and development went in to the creation of the “Provider List” – this is the equivalent of one person working an entire year full time without being paid.

If you have Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube, please share our information with your contacts – Thank you!

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